i'm in Frankie magazine + Weetbix brownies
This week was odd, fun & yum. The Frankie Magazine issue I have a recipe in (my Strawberry Oasis Pie) came out on Monday. I skipped up to the oldest/largest newsagent near us & picked up a few copies. My heart summersaulted away as I flicked through trying to find my section - probably because I'd had a dream the night before where they'd printed something else entirely, ah! Something about relinquishing control in that, I sure hehe. It was all fine though. It's their second Feel Good issue, available at Coles & newsagents around the country or worldwide on their website.

With Big Mouth at the printers (I'm nearly sold out of hard-copies, thank you all!) & this Frankie mag out (which has been a few months under wraps & I'm nOt good at keeping secrets) I've felt lighter to jump into microbakery planning. My recipe trials have been popping with more clarity, and with mental surfaces a little clearer, my creativity cylinders feel fuller.
I made some killer Weetbix Brownies in the name of microbakery prep (read: not a weetbix slice). The Weetbix isn't too obvious, it just adds a subtle maltiness, acts as egg replacer & adds to the overall moist experience. One more tweak to loosen the crumb is needed, & the fudge sauce requires a little more gumption (thicker/syrup-ier), but otherwise - they're dreamy.
I've been nursing my mood this week, fully aware that as I fly past two exciting milestones & head into a microbakery-looking unknown, all the uncomfy feels are expected to set up real-estate. Trying to be gentle with myself as ever, but truthfully very scared about all tHe stEps, 'adulty bits' and the prospect of making a loss, especially in the ridiculous economic times we're in. Joy to these youthful years!
Some perky little gluten-free dinner rolls I made. The softest GF good I've ever produced. I tried using a bonkers egg-replacer in these & it seemed to work! I don't really want to give it away, but I will say - it's a condiment.

The Pisces, By Melissa Broder
Oh wow, I listened to a book about a merman this week. I didn't know what I was in for when I started. The 40-ish protagonist has just endured a crabby breakup & is staying at her sister's beachside apartment with their beloved bloodhound. She goes to group therapy, self-medicates, sits by the water, falls for half-man, half-fish boy & writes her thesis. Did I enjoy it? Mm, the metaphors felt a little too obvious for my liking in the end. The fishy fallic-sex a little grating as well. As weird as this all sounds, it was written to be very believable. You might like it, I think the fault is mine & my choice of book. I'm done with the mid-life, mental-breakdown ensuing post break-up reads. As hard as I try, I can't fully relate.

Modern Love, S1, Ep. 7
I watched one episode of the Modern Love series this week (a series based on true stories, which were originally part of a NY Times column). It was the one with a gay couple trying to adopt a child. It was also the one with Andrew Scott in it, which (as far as I'm concerned) makes anything worth watching. It was really moving & wholesome. Ed Sheeran makes an appearance, without spoiling it. Everyone feels very real, human & flawed. Would recommend!

This Whipped Feta Dip w a Spiced 'Honey' Drizzle is now on the blog. An instant crowd pleaser & gorgeous recreation of the creamy dairy-fluffs that have been floating around the internet for a hot minute now. Now we can all enjoy it!
Until next time,
Phoebe (& Merlin) x