Big Mouth is out, updates & a recipe!
This week Big Mouth came out, hooray! The PDF instant download edition is available now & pre-orders for the hard-copies are open for a few more days (closing Monday 4th July)!
Some hardcopies will be available after then (this is just to help moi with estimates & out of pocket-expenses).
Big Mouth is for all the sensitive-system & funky-gut gal-pals (and those who know one!) - who in spite of things, bloomin’ love foOd! Browsing for it, preparing it, eating it & sharing it. Food brings me so much joy & this work is the result of my stubborn commitment to having it remain so - for you & for me!
The book is an anti-diet, multi-medium collection of gentle recipes, food writing, embroidery & nuanced encouragement from someone who lives it & gets it. All 30 recipes are completely vegan, gluten-free (incl. oat-free) & low FODMAP. They're made with accessible ingredients & are very straightforward to make.
Some favourites include the Crispy Mustard Maple Potatoes, My Favourite Sushi Bowl, Miso Tofu, Brussels & Soba Noodles, Low FODMAP Tomato Relish, Salted Chocolate Quinoa Granola, the Peanut Butter & Chocolate Protein Bars, Banana Bread Biscuits & Pumpkin Spice Latte, which I'm sipping now!

I've been on the lamination & sourdough train this week - choo choo! I will share my learnings down the track when I've found my preferred methods. They're both long-form, slow cooking foods which is just the pace & style I need this time of year.


Halftime ~ aka the Jennifer Lopez documentary about the lead up to her Superbowl performance with Shakira.
I love a Netflix celebrity documentary lol, maybe they're like my guilty pleasure on these cold, wintery nights - as I always seem to watch a few this time of year. They never fail to turn me (further) off Hollywood, deepen my ick around celebrity-ism, fame & playing the Capitalist game. While I love J-L0 & respect everything she's worked for - I left this doc feeling so sad! Sad that the system she's found success in, is the one we've got. She stresses she's apolitical throughout the doc & that it's not about politics - which got pretty grating after awhile! The end credits also quote her social media numbers when tallying her success which felt sort of patronising - like the rest is more than enough!
I've read that the documentary has an infomercial vibe which I would agree with - which is (again!) sad, that they took that tone. To have to make a Netflix documentary to prove someone's worth/relevance, says a lot about the world we live in & Hollywood's attitude to women of colour artists.

This week's recipe is a simple one ~ Crispy Vegan Chichen Sushi Handrolls <3 Which riff off the plant-based crispy 'chicken' handrolls new to Woolworths supermarkets here. I was a little annoyed to hear they weren't gluten-free, so I made my own. They're veeery good.
Thank you for supporting me & reading along. Wishing you a deliciously YOU weekend!
Phoebe & Merlin x