Biscuit Tin's Last Pop-Up + 2022 Favourites + New Videos !

WOosh - it's only a week until Christmas & I am absolutely knackered! I made it to the other-side of my crazy pop up run, hooray! And my body graciously held out that long, but everything now really hurts & I'm taking 3 x as long to do everything.
But rest will come & I'm already really proud of myself for starting to incorporate those healthy habits back into my routine!

My last pop up for the year was a huge success !! I very nearly sold out & then delivered the rest to eager lovelies who couldn't make it on the day. Real life friends, internet friends & some biGgEr NAmEs came too - giving ridiculously good genuine feedback on their socials which was so affirming & like a wrap-up pep talk?! Whatever that's called.
It's hard to process the last few months & I know I sound like a broken record - but time has literally never gone so fast! I want everything to sLoW DoWn so I can take stock and reassess before proceeding with confidence & legitimate drive! For the moment I'm just incredibly fatigued from working on something sO out of my comfort zone (as well as in), so intensely for the last six months.

I'm catching up on life-admin at the moment, filming some vlogmassy videos (a token contribution to the cosy homely documentation that blesses the YT's this time of year), trying to find a new psychologist & just taking one day at a time.

My feature in Frankie Magazine is out & the illustrations by Monica Tran are whimsical beyond belief! I've harped on about it on insta aplenty - so if you're interested in a copy or a flick-through you can find it in Coles, Woolworths, Newsagents & on their website.
I thought it could be noice to give some gift/content recommendations in the form of my favourite reads and watch's from the year...

This year was a great one for reading! I had so many favourites, which I - somewhat annoyingly - mostly read in the first half of the year. I miss them! I want another book to move me like they did! Lots of lovely food writing, sharp memoir, important non-fic which has so positively influenced my life for the better & neuro-divergent fiction which was like the biggest life-affirming hug and orgasm in one lol. You can search the titles on my website to get my original reviews, but my utter-favourites were A Room Called Earth & Social Queue. Two Australian autistic writers making people's lives better with their work.
And for cookbook recommendations - I'm always updating my personal favourite list of resources here!

I didn't see as many films as I usually do this year. There weren't as many cute happy-sad flicks which are my bread & butter! But I felt seen through the selection above & will take the lessons in Good Luck to You, Leo Grande and Extraordinary Attorney Woo with me through all of life. They've helped me be more myself.
I know I promised recipes & they are coming - everything's just taking a lot longer with my dead-beat body!
If I don't write before Christmas, I'll see you in my videos! Have a very delicious, safe & cosy end of year, and thank you dearly for supporting my work in 2022.
Phoebe x
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