My 2nd Microbakery Pop-Up, Biscuit Tin's Coming Northside & I've Starting Running !
This might be becoming a fortnightly jumbo newsletter! I hope you're going ok and found some cosy, comforting, light moments this week. I have lots to catch you up on, but first...
Biscuit Tin Bakery is coming Northside for it's next date - Saturday the 29th October!! I'll be doing preorders for a set number of mixed boxes which you'll be able to collect at a very accessible, central spot, in lovely Northcote. Preorders will open this Sunday October 16th via my website and close Wednesday Oct 26th unless already sold out) - so make sure you're following me on insta if you're keen to snap up a box!

Biscuit Tin Bakery's second pop up was a huge sucess!! We sold out again (!!), had a line 15 minutes before opening and everyone somehow brought even more warmth and excitement to the day. It was another beautiful sunny Saturday & I made about 3 times as much.
The kitchen-prep was hectic - bigger quantities are intense in their own way & this time it was the equipment which broke, under-performed or scared the bejeebers out of me! But once again, I learn't so much - and sometimes you only learn by mistakes.
I made 11 quantities of bun dough (as opposed to 4 @ pop up #1), and that dough is a BEAST! She's very heavy and demanded arm strength on Saturday morning I was not sure I had. It sounds so obvious now, but it's heavy work! There's just so much more to whip, pour, bake, knead, roll, spread & lift. Who knew lol.

I love being at the Recycled Sewing Studio. It was a safe place for me before I started doing the pop-ups, but come Saturday morning - after I've been sweating away in a stainless steal warehouse the day prior, it's such a sanctuary. The commercial kitchen (although a kitchen) is just not me. The studio however, is so me. All is to say, I feel very lucky to be able to use the space.
After the Northside pick-up date ~ I'll be back here November 12th & 26th !! I can't wait.

It took considerably less time to recover from the pop up #2 ~ just one day! It's still taking the two weeks to plan for them, but having the week inbetween to drop the pace - is SO working out for my mental health. We had agorgously warm day this week & I had the best food (@Hanoi Hannah vol. II) and lush catch up with one of my favourite people.

Merlin got his cone & staples out on Monday (for stomach surgery after he swallowed a tennis ball) and he bounced back to his usual self pretty much within a day! It's so nice to be able to snuggle & pet him without a giant piece of plastic getting in the way.
Wanting another safer (for him) form of exercise that doesn't involve balls or dog-parks, we've taken up running. He's a natural! I was a bit worried, because as a pup he would nip your calves if you ran in-front of him - but he's definitely grown out of that one. He just trots along, which means I run slower and don't tire as fast - which I need. He's the PT for me!

I got to work on an exciting piece of freelance work this week for a magazine! It was a self-esteem, in how straight-forwardly it came about & how applicable my skillset/body-of-work is for the job. Reminded me that I am capable, ya-know!

I gave The Comeback, by Lily Chu a go - it was anAudiblefreebie and the plot (young, anal, Canadian lawyer falls for her roommate's cousin who comes to stay - who turns out to be a Korean pop star of BTS-level standing, in hiding from the rest of the world). Ugh, I know. I just wanted some escapism - something light in my ears to stop me from ruminating on other things. The first half was good (fab emotional intelligence from the masculine character), but it became too much about the logistics of keeping a famous-relationship secret - which made me want to throw my phone into the curb. 4/10.

Dreamlife of Georgie Stone is on Netflix and is a powerful short documentary about young trans activist Georgie Stone (from Melbourne) who (along with their family) challenged the courts on two pieces of legislation, which demanded families of young trans kids had to go to court to get permission to access the gender confirming medical care they needed. Probably something most of us had no clue about. It's perfectly made, educational, inspiring, warm and emotional. Highly recommend.
Wishing you well into the weekend,
Phoebe & Merlin x