Mushroom Steamed Buns

Let's be honest, who doesn't get excited at steamed something-er-others. Whether it be dumplings or dim sum buns, they are all just pockets of deliciousness. I was surprised at how easy these are to whip up, and I may say that they are far more satisfying then dumplings - so you are not left devouring the remains of your efforts in 10 seconds flat. While dumplings are often inhaled, these are slowly munched on, bringing smiles to everyone who gets their hands on one. Don't be intimidated by the good ol' trusty steamer. It may take one or two YouTube tutorials to convince you, that you will in-fact get a result, but with every time you use it, the easier it becomes. Plus they are dirt cheap!! Go to an Asian grocery store or even dollar store for the best price. Yet if you are not willing to fork out the loose change then use a wide-bottomed pan with a cooling rack in the bottom. See, there are no excuses when it comes to these. So hop in the kitchen and get cracking!!


  • 2 tbsp mixed dried mushrooms, finely chopped
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tbsp ginger, minced
  • stalks of 1 coriander bunch, finely chopped
  • 10 button mushrooms, roughly chopped
  • 100g shiitake mushrooms, roughly chopped
  • 2 tbsp rice wine vinegar
  • 2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
  • 2 tbsp tamari/soy sauce
  • 4 spring onions, finely sliced
  • 150g firm tofu, crumbled
  • 2 potatoes, cubed small and boiled
  • 1 small sweet potato, cubed small and boiled
  • 1/2 bunch coriander leaves, chopped
  • 400g tin coconut mylk
  • 2 heaped tins (the coconut mylk tin) SR flour
  • pinch of salt
  • hoisin to serve


  1. Start by soaking the dried mushrooms in the boiling water. Set aside in a small bowl while preparing the filling.
  2. In a fry-pan, water saute the garlic, ginger, coriander stalks and both kinds of mushrooms over a medium to high heat until the mixture is soft and reduced in size. Add the vinegar, sweet chilli and soy to the pan, as well as the dried mushrooms and their juice. Reduce until there is no mushroom broth remaining, caramalising the sticky mixture.
  3. In a large bowl combine the onions, tofu, both kinds of potato, coriander leaves and sticky mushroom mixture. Stir thoroughly and make sure the sauce is on all the filling. Set aside to cool, while preparing the dough.
  4. In a food processor with a dough hook (alternatively use a mix-master), combine the coconut mylk, flour and salt until a dough forms. Tip onto a floured surface and roll into a thick log/sausage. Cut into 12-14 discs.
  5. To assemble the buns (best to watch the video - linked below) grab a piece of dough and put it in the palm of your hand creating a oval shape as you flatten it. Fill with some mixture (about 1-2 tbsp) and then pull the dough over the mixture, pinching to fasten. It should look like a plump golf ball. They will enlarge in size dramatically, so don't worry about having little dough covering the filling, it will rise around it. Repeat with all the little discs.
  6. Set up your steamer basket over a wok with some boiling water in it. Place your buns in the steamer basket, yet set in little patty pans so they do not stick to the bamboo. They will take 12-14 minutes to cook.
  7. Eat straight away or leave in the basket for later. They are delicious with some hoisin, yet ultimately stand triumphant on their own.